Babel-o-drome calls on a small creative team which includes artists working with video, dance, music, theatre and singing. There’s no hierarchical relationship between the members of the collectif bus123 . All contribute to the project from their respective fields, but they can also intervene in neighbouring fields.

Creators on stage:

Bea Labikova -  musician, dancer and performer

Michael Lynn - musician and performer

Raphael Roter - musician, dancer and performer

Dorsai Ranjbari - actress, performer

Nikolai Afanasev - actor, performer

Barbara-Audrey Bergeron - actress, performer

Florian François - actor, performer

Dominica Merola - composer, singer, pianist and performer (2018)

Kim Nelson - actress, dancer and performer (2018)

Catalina Pop - actress and performer (2018)

Sienna Dahlen - musicienne, performeure (2018)

Liz Lima - musicienne, performeure

Christine Duncan et le choeur Element - improvising choir directed by Christine

Creators on video:

Gerard Leckey - performer

Marc Lemyre - performer

Dominica Merola - performer

Angela Salena - performer

Creators - support team:

Élodie Aignerel - administration assistant, in charge of communications and marketing

Duncan Appleton - technical director for rehearsals (Glendon College Theatre)

Dominique Banoun - creator, coordinator, co-creator ooblek machines

Nicole Croiset - 360º video filming click here & here

Marc Lemyre - dramaturgical consultant and photographer

Matt Miller - co-creator ooblek machines, creator of theremin version

Micheline Parent - graphic designer, video post-production art director

Savana Salloum - creator of portable installation «arch of silence»

Photos by Marc Lemyre

and interactive typemorser creator and programmer

and editor of video fictions (integrated into the piece)